Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Using Larong Pinoy As Below-The-Line Promotions

Capture the Filipino market with an event that creates an ecosystem in the communities: looping household neighborhoods and community stores. Place your bet on the games of our heritage: LARONG PINOY.

Community Playing Larong Pinoy  v3

It is not true that the games have “disappeared” amidst modern technology. A lot of Filipinos are still unable to own expensive high-tech gadgets and computers. The Filipino Traditional Games remains to be popular among the Filipino masses; it is well-loved by elders, adults, and children. It is a cultural treasure that will always be part of our heritage. The good news for brand marketers is: currently, it is not owned by any brand.

Pinoy generation collage with LolaMagna Kultura Foundation, the national advocate of Larong Pinoy has launched a promotional campaign that allows product-brand sponsors to use the games as a brand vehicle, whether for PR or brand promotions. This is a strategy to fund the advocacy to revive of the games in today’s era.


Capture the market across the board: from children, to parent-adults, to grand-parents. It’s a game that Filipinos love. Since Y-2005, Larong Pinoy outreach programs are well accepted in communities. Brands will find it a great vehicle for corporate and brand communication, as it captures not only the youth market, but adults and elders who know the game.
Larong Pinoy brings brand goodwill in household neighborhood, enjoining consumers to be part of the program.

Let Larong Pinoy will be your vehicle to engage the community. The event will connect consumers to the brand. It is a potent below-the-line promotion that can deliver day-after sales.


Local trade will be involved in community promotion efforts. Sari-sari stores and groceries in the district will be part of Larong Pinoy promotions.

The Larong Pinoy Play Camps of Magna KulturaThere will be three (3) community activities that will be opportunities for product promotions

THE SPORTS CLINICS. This will be the launch activity. Members of families in the district will come to the event with gate entry stubs acquired from the selling promo.

THE STREET GAMES. Games will be active in community streets during week-days. Children will use Larong Pinoy Game Stubs during street matches. Sale of Larong Pinoy Toys will be tied-up with the product-brand, and purchased in Sari-Sari Stores 

THE TOURNAMENTS. The Inter-Barangay Tournament will be an eagerly awaited event, where team will be competing in mini-Olympics matches, and consumers awaiting the raffle draws with product labels as entry stubs.


Larong Pinoy promotions are conducted in schools and barangays for FIVE (5) WEEKS to energize the neighborhood participation. CLINIC GAME STUBS are distributed along with leaflets & registration forms; and, Local RETAIL STORES become conduits to all the fun promotions in target areas, for the youth market to purchase sponsor’s products in exchange for game stubs.

Store - with LP Icon + people + toys + ticketIn the event that retail outlets don’t carry the sponsor’s brands, Magna Kultura conducts sells-in to enlist the store for loading of the product; and then, advises both the sponsor & its dealers for loading.


The Larong Pinoy events are announced in Barangays. Larong Pinoy Game Stubs are distributed in retail outlets carrying the sponsor’s product-brands. Residents join by obtaining Larong Pinoy ticket-stubs for the Sports Clinics. A minimum purchase of the sponsored-product is set to obtain ticket-stubs and the reward points.


It’s not just a game.
We’re reviving a cultural treasure with a heritage equity.
We’re instilling patriotism & family bonding among youth & adults.
We’re bringing livelihood among retailers and local vendors.
It’s an advocacy with an economic paradigm.

Buhayin Ang Laro 2



Contact: DICKIE AGUADO, Executive Director - Magna Kultura Foundation at  EMAIL:  / Globetel +63 917 8990025  / Suntel +63 922 8990026  /  Landline Tel No. (632) 514-5868

MK Pinoy Salakot for web profiles


Monday, September 22, 2014

Larong Pinoy, A Great CSR Campaign

For many companies, it’s not enough to make money and satisfy customers. Service to local communities is also part of the company agenda, and they involve their employees in outreach programs. These companies often go the extra mile to give a little something back to their employees, the community, and the world at large. They’ve developed solid reputations for going out and doing some good, turning their success into an opportunity to help others.

For a long time, businesses have given back to society in different ways. The domain for such outreach was based more on concerns and thoughtfulness to help people.  For some companies, business isn’t all about the bottom line. They make strides to be a caring part of society and help out those who live in less fortunate circumstances. They’re companies that know how important Corporate Social Responsibility can be to others.

Chevron Philippines is one of the few examples of those doing Corporate Social Responsibility right. Every year, Chevron Philippines embarks in a program dubbed "Week of Caring, wherein employees of the company engage communities as volunteers. For the second time, the employee-volunteers of Chevron reached out once again the children of Nayon ng Kabataan (in Mandaluyong City), a youth welfare community operated by the Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD).

During its Week of Caring program, Chevron employees went to Nayon ng Kabataan to play as “big brothers” to the children of Welfareville --- playing Larong Pinoy, the traditional Filipino Street Games.  As coach and playmates, they ran and vigorously played with the children: games like, patintero, luksong tinik, luksong baka, chinese garter, piko, and other Pinoy games.

The choice of Larong Pinoy as an activity aims to provide a light, fun interaction between the Chevron employees and the kids at Nayon ng Kabataan.  The organizers of the Chevron outreach program recognizes the power of Larong Pinoy as a strong vehicle for community engagement and interaction.  The traditional Filipino street games is a cultural treasure, well-loved by many Filipinos even today.  Many people are still unable to own high-tech game gadgets, computers, or smartphones with game applications; thus, Larong Pinoy is still a fun alternative among many of the children.

Having a social good culture makes your employees know they are working for something that is bigger than themselves; their business is not one dimensional and more importantly, it cares about people.  There are new breed of corporate individuals who believe that what you put into the world is exactly what you’re going to get out of it. People want to do things that matter; companies that encourage employees to participate in volunteerism and giving back are creating fulfilling environments to work in.

CSR to be meaningful has to reach out to the large majority of our people who are not only without purchasing power, but are fundamentally deprived of basic livelihood. There are companies stand out as prime examples of how social responsibility can be productively coupled with sound strategies to advance goodwill, while building sustainable and impressive businesses. They provide the leadership to demonstrate how marketers can pursue both objectives simultaneously. As such, socially conscious companies have stepped up their efforts with increasing effectiveness and productivity. It is an impressive movement and one that invites society at large to do even more.

Magna Kultura Foundation salutes Chevron Philippines for making Larong Pinoy their choice of activity for engaging communities.  The interaction between the employees of Chevron and children of Nayon ng Kabataan will last a lifetime of remembrance.

For organizations who would like to conduct a Larong Pinoy program in schools, barangays, or for private companies, contact Magna Kultura Foundation.   

Contact DICKIE AGUADO, Executive Director - Magna Kultura Foundation:
Cellular Phone Nos.: +63 917 8990025 (Globe) or +63 922 8990026 (Sun)
Landline Tel No. (632) 514-5868
Email Address:


Monday, March 24, 2014

Larong Pinoy Sports Clinics Attracts Youths and Parents

Communities in Metro-Manila re-experience the fun of the Traditional Filipino Street Games during the Barangay outreach tour of the Larong Pinoy Sports Clinic conducted by Magna Kultura Foundation, the national advocate of the Filipino Heritage Games in the country.   
Parents and grandparents brought their children to the sports clinic to let their children learn the games the same games they all used to play when they were young.  

While many of the new generations are familiar with the most popular of  games, the Larong Sports Clinic added new knowledge and techniques for children to play the game with an amateur playing skill.   
Magna Kultura taught children the official rules of playing the games, as well as the proper ways of making the ground markers in the playing field.

Larong Pinoy Sports Clinic are being held in urban cities teaching kids popular Filipino street games like Patintero, Tumbang Preso, Piko, Luksong Tinik and many games that our parents and elders use to play.

The fun training sessions teaches participants detailed mechanics of each and every game, the proper posture and movements, with systematic techniques on how to play each game and win the match. 

The 1st Part is a 20-minute session teaching participants the game mechanics, with systematic drills for proper execution, posture and movement.

The 2nd Part is a 3 ½ half hours session where participants are grouped into teams and conducted with actual game play; and, this time, orienting participants in the tournament formats and officiating rules.  

It's fascinating to see the kids to execute each drill exercise, and giggling their way through each and every task.

The first Larong Pinoy Sports Clinics were launched by Magna Kultura Foundation in Y-2008 in Barangay Communities in Metro-Manila. The venues were jam-packed with kids who enlisted.  

The event did not need much hyping and announcement because when word went out around among the neighborhood about the Larong Pinoy Clinics, parents who knew the games signed-up they children in the sports activity. 

Larong Pinoy is the traditional Filipino street games handed down from generations; it is the games of our heritage (Laro ng Lahi). It is cherished by elderly adults (grandparents), parents, and it is played by today's youth.

Patuloy nating buhayin ang laro ng ating lahi sa panahon ng modernisasyon.  Ito ay yaman n gating lahi.  Ipamahagi natin ito sa bagong kabataan. 



CONTACT DICKIE AGUADO at the following:
Cellular Phone os.: +63 917 8990025 (Globe) or +63 922 8990026 (Sun)
Landline Tel No. (632) 514-5868
Email Address: